Timeline Entry
No Greater Love began as a vision of the Lord, to use talents given by the Lord to spread the word of God through song in the form of Southern Gospel Music. And using unique vocal styles and mixtures, with both new and; older Southern Gospel, The goals and ; purpose of No Greater Love is: Seeing souls saved & lives changed, to minister in song and; testimony, and; to create worship and fellowship wherever they are called to go. No Greater Love as a group name was designed to show simply, that there is no greater love than Christ has shown unto us, beginning from day 1 until the moment he returns to take his children home. We have no goal of bringing fame to ourselves Nor making riches in this world, It is purely our hearts desire to show the love of Christ, his wonderful and gracious Mercy, his forgiveness of our sins and; the power to save and those who will accept. Its our prayer and our hearts desire if you don't know Christ as a personal savior, that today will be the day you give your life to him!
Thanks to AB at Breaker 17 Studio for the restoration of these songs! If anybody needs to get in contact with him to restore any music or record an album, his information is below:
Breaker 17 Studio
Thanks for listening and God Bless!